Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yes, it can be a purse, too!

Since I was in the 2nd grade, I've LOVED purses. I can't remember a day since then that I haven't gladly toted one around, even if it was just my Purple Moon Backpack Purse. One of my favorite things to do is to make something that isn't normally considered a purse into one. Case in point: My giraffe print Clueless inspired purse from the 5th grade. Yes, I still have this purse. You may be wondering, "what does she mean her Clueless inspired purse?" Well if you are a product of the 90s, such as myself, you might remember Cher and Dionne carrying around box purses that closely resemble train cases such as this one. Want to know the best thing about these purses? They have mirrors built into the body of the case, and their constricted shapes makes it hard for you to over pack them!

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